Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Propaganda: Psychoanalysis in Reverse

Monday, April May 20 at 7:00 p.m.
Hallowed Grounds Café
Rescheduled from May 6

*Adorno, "Freudian Theory and the Pattern of Fascist Propaganda"
*Sigmund Freud, Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (selections TBD)


This five-part reading group will examine Adorno's psychoanalytic writings on the following

Commodity Aesthetics
Character and Capitalism
Propaganda: Psychoanalysis in Reverse
Prejudice: A Social Disease
Art and Fantasy

Readings will be primarily drawn from Adorno's extensive work in social psychology, as well as Marx, Freud, Thomas Mann and psychoanalysts who were his contemporary.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Character and Capitalism
Monday, April 22

*Adorno, "Prejudice"
*Adorno et al., Introduction to The Authoritarian Personality

*Wilhelm Reich, Preface to the First Edition of Character Analysis
*Erich Fromm, "The Method and Function of Analytic Social Psychology"
*Otto Fenichel, "The Drive to Amass Wealth"

This five-part reading group will examine Adorno's psychoanalytic writings on the following

Commodity Aesthetics
Character and Capitalism
Propaganda: Psychoanalysis in Reverse
Prejudice: A Social Disease
Art and Fantasy

Readings will be primarily drawn from Adorno's extensive work in social psychology, as well as Marx, Freud, Thomas Mann and psychoanalysts who were his contemporary.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Commodity Aesthetics

Week 1 - Commodity Aesthetics

*Theodor W. Adorno, "The Fetish Character of Music and the Regression in Listening"
*Adorno, "Letters to Walter Benjamin" 
*Karl Marx, "The Fetishism of the Commodity and its Secret"


This five-week reading group will examine Adorno's psychoanalytic writings on the following

Commodity Aesthetics
Character and Capitalism
Propaganda: Psychoanalysis in Reverse
Prejudice: A Social Disease
Art and Fantasy

Readings will be primarily drawn from Adorno's extensive work in social psychology, as well as Marx, Freud, Thomas Mann and psychoanalysts who were his contemporary.